2019 第三屆台灣門薩年會 - 年會票券 2019 Mensa Taiwan Annual Gathering - Official Tickets

  • 2019/09/21(周六) 12:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/22(周日) 15:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 瓏山林台北中和飯店 RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe / 23552 新北市中和區中正路631號
  • 121 / 200
  • 台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan

( *English Contect Below  )









1. 正式會員票券:1300元






3. 一般票券2600



4. 兒童票券 400






活動時間:2019/09/21 - 2019/09/22




1. 購票資格

  • 正式會員的早鳥優惠票價僅限會員本人使用,且以一人一票為原則。
  • 以正式會員名義購買票證者需附會員編號、國際門薩註冊姓名,若是不符合,台灣門薩有權力取消其優惠。
  • 凡是不符合購票資格購買票券者,台灣門薩有權力取消其報名資格並依照退款事宜辦理。

2. 退款事宜

  • 退票酌收10%手續費,限 2019/09/11 (含) 前辦理,請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定。詳情請洽 KKTIX 客服中心。

3. 其他

  • 票卷不得轉售
  • 本次門薩活動為非營利的活動,故活動期間所拍攝的任何影片、照片及其他產出皆由台灣門薩所有,禁止未經許可使用、拿去做一切關於營利用途的事項。


The once in a year annual gathering of Mensa Taiwan is in September, a banquet for members to chat and exchange knowledge with each other. We sincerely invite every member and your family to participate in the annual gathering, that’s why we've strived the best price with the RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe and booked a whole floor for you, and hope that members would cherish and enjoy the exclusive privileges. Everyone who participates in Mensa would have the opportunity to meet all kinds of talent people from many different countries, and join many interesting activities, every person you meet in here is irreplaceable, that’s why we are Mensan. This year, the topic for the annual gathering is "game". From the goods, activities to two speeches, we arrange various of details which are waiting for discover.

Within the hard work and brainstorming of our members, we represent the spirit of Mensa together, we sincerely invite all Mensan to join this grand and plentiful Mensa Taiwan Annual gathering with your passion.





1. Valid Mensa Members : 1300 NTD

Time Period: Until 2019/9/21

Qualification: Valid Mensa Members


2. Discount Tickets for Member’s Family : 1600 NTD

Time Period: Until 2019/9/21

Qualification: Unpaid Mensan or Member’s Spouses and over 12 years old Children


3. Regular Tickets : 2600 NTD

Time Period: Until 2019/9/21

Qualification: Friends or Family of Mensan.


4. Children Tickets : 400 NTD

Time Period: Until 2019/9/21

Qualification: Children whose under 12 years old. (Must be accompanied with legal guardian)




Time:2019/09/21 18:00 - 21:00 (3 hours)
Place:RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe Restaurant Res
Address:2F., No. 631, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235




1. Requirement of purchase the vouchers :

Mensa Taiwan has the right to cancel and refund any vouchers for which the requirements of purchase HAVE NOT been met.

2. Cancellation and Refund :

There is 10% of surcharge for the cancellation. Any refund after 11th Sep 2019 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please read the regulation of cancellation of KKTIX. For further questions please contact the customer service centre of KKTIX.

3. Others :

It is not allowed to resell vouchers to another person.

As the gathering and all activities are not for profit, any videos and photos taken at the gathering or during the optional activities are owned by Mensa Taiwan and must not be used without permission from Mensa Taiwan, whether for profit or otherwise.




瓏山林台北中和飯店 RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe / 23552 新北市中和區中正路631號


票種 販售時間 售價
正式會員票券 Valid Mensa Members

2019/08/15 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/22 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,300
會員及家屬特惠票券 Discount Tickets for Member's Family (Spouses and Children)

2019/07/30 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/22 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,600
一般票券 Regular Tickets

2019/07/30 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/22 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,600
兒童票券 Children Tickets

2019/07/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/22 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$400
義工票卷 Volunteer Tickets

~ 2019/09/22 15:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費