2018 第二屆台灣門薩年會 - 活動票券 2018 Mensa Taiwan Annual Gathering - Optional Events

  • 2018/09/28(Fri) 14:00(+0800) ~ 2018/09/30(Sun) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 桃禧航空城、台北、桃園 Hotel Orchard Park, Taipei and Taoyuan / 桃園市大園區大觀路777號
  • 台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan

(English Content Below)

2018 Mensa Taiwan台灣門薩年會 Bonus 額外活動!


(有關 MTAG2018 最新訊息,請隨時鎖定FB粉絲團頁


  • 購票資格:有參與活動資格的會員與其伴侶及子女
  • 聯絡窗口:contact@mensa.tw



  • 9/28

1. 台北之旅 :1500元


活動時間:2018/09/28 14:00 - 17:00 (3小時)

活動性質:台北市內的觀光之旅,地點由總統府開始,經由中正紀念堂 - 忠烈祠 -

故宮博物院 - 台灣傳統寺廟 ,最後到台灣手工藝品中心

2. 破冰:850元


活動時間:2018/09/28 18:00 - 21:00 (3小時)




  • 9/30

1. 桃園之旅 :700


活動時間:2018/09/30 11:30 - 18:00 (6小時30分)

活動性質:從飯店搭車到餐廳吃完活魚 (自費) 之後在石門水庫欣賞美麗的湖光 ,之後去桃園老街逛古玩跟台灣特色土產!最後再回到飯店。



  • 凡是不符合購票資格購買票券者,台灣門薩有權力取消其報名資格並依照退款事宜辦理。


  • 退票酌收10%手續費,限 2018/09/18 (含) 前辦理,請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定。詳情請洽 KKTIX 客服中心。


  • 票卷不得轉售
  • 本次門薩活動為非營利的活動,故活動期間所拍攝的任何影片、照片及其他產出皆由台灣門薩所有,禁止未經許可使用、拿去做一切關於營利用途的事項。

年會票券請參閱 2018 第二屆台灣門薩年會 - 年會票券

住宿票券請參閱 2018 第二屆台灣門薩年會 - 住宿票券


2018 Mensa Taiwan Annual Gathering(MTAG) - The Optional Events

At the Annual Gathering this September Mensans will have the opportunity to meet and enjoy each other’s company, exchanging knowledge and ideas and to dine together. We sincerely invite you and your relatives to join us. Besides meeting up we are also looking forward to offer several optional activities for those of you who interested. Our goal is for all Mensans, those who fly far from overseas as well as locals to have a fun and enjoyable time in early Autumn in the heart of the Asia, Taiwan.

(Follow us on the Mensa Taiwan Facebook fan page for the latest news of the MTAG 2018.)


Important notice:

  • To purchase the vouchers you must be a Mensa member or member's family or friends.

  • For other questions please contact: contact@mensa.tw

There are three optional activities to choose from, two on the 28th of September and a third option on the 30th of September.


  • 28th Sep

Option A: The spirit tour in Taipei (NTD 1500/per person)

Reserve due date: until the 21st Sep. 2018

Date: 28th of September from 14:00 - 17:00 (3 hrs approx.)

Details: Sightseeing tour in Taipei. The tour starts from the Presidential Office Building, continues through the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine, the National Palace Museum, the traditional Chinese temple and then to the handicraft souvenir centre.


Option B: Icebreaker in Taipei (NTD 850/per person)

Reserve due date: until 26th Sep 2018

Date: 28th of September from 18:00 - 21:00 (3 hrs approx.)

Location: Juan Yau Old-Time Flavor Retro Restaurant (Dunhua South Road)

Address: No. 7-1, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105

Phone: +886 2 2578 9955

Details: Dining and talking together and enjoying the taste of Taiwanese cuisine.


  • 30th Sep

Option C: The beauty of Taoyuan tour (NTD 700/per person)

Reserve due date: ~til 21st Sep. 2018

Date: 30th of September from 11:30 - 18:00 (6 hrs and half approx.)

Details: Sightseeing tour in Taoyuan. The tour starts from the Hotel Orchard Park, continues with lunch at a restaurant serving the famous cooked Live fish (at your own expense), then on to the Shimen Reservoir. Afterwards there is a walk around the Daxi Old Street to discovery the Taiwanese antique style toys before returning to the hotel.


1. Requirement of purchase the vouchers:

Mensa Taiwan has the right to cancel and refund any vouchers for which the requirements of purchase HAVE NOT been met.

2. Cancellation and Refund:

There is 10% of surcharge for the cancellation. Any refund after 18th Sep 2018 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please read the regulation of cancellation of KKTIX. For further questions please contact the customer service centre of KKTIX.

3. Others:

It is not allowed to resell vouchers to another person.

As the gathering and all activities are not for profit, any videos and photos taken at the gathering or during the optional activities are owned by Mensa Taiwan and must not be used without permission from Mensa Taiwan, whether for profit or otherwise.


Annual Gathering Voucher please click: 2018 Mensa Taiwan Annual Gathering - Official Tickets

Accommodation Voucher please click: 2018 Mensa Taiwan Annual Gathering - Accommodation Tickets


桃禧航空城、台北、桃園 Hotel Orchard Park, Taipei and Taoyuan / 桃園市大園區大觀路777號

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